Converting Jbuilder 6 to Jbuilder2005
(too old to reply)
Vicente Borland
2005-06-22 17:57:52 UTC

IŽm trying to open a Jbuilder 6 project (from the book Wireless Java
programming). And I find this warning:

"Project Roomfinder.jpx contains legacy J2EE modules, but is read only

It cannot be converted to the new J2EE module format."

Can anyone help me to fix this problem?

Thank you

Vicente Fajardo
Paul Furbacher [TeamB]
2005-06-22 19:38:30 UTC
Vicente Borland wrote:

Please avoid mult- or cross-posting. It's against
the newsgroup guidelines.

I have given a suggestion in the "ide" newsgroup
where you also asked this question.

By the way, this topic is most appropriate
for the "servlet-jsp" or "enterprise" newsgroup.
Paul Furbacher (TeamB)

Save time, search the archives:

Is it in Joi Ellis's Faq-O-Matic?

Finally, please send responses to the newsgroup only.
That means, do not send email directly to me.
Thank you.